Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Missoula Children's Theater

I am so happy to announce that I booked a 12-month theater tour directly out of college. I am so happy to announce that I booked a 12-month theater tour directly out of college! This is extremely rare for an actor or artist to go straight to a job but a week after graduation, I will head to Montana for a 10 day intensive training before I ship off for the next year. I did not plan on teaching children's theater ever but when I heard them talk about their mission, I got so inspired and realized that it is exactly what I want to be doing right now. Their mission is as follows:

"We live in a highly competitive era. Youngsters are introduced at an early age to the critical realities of our achievement- and success-oriented society. From academics to athletics to social interaction, children are pressured to get the best grades, to score the most points, to have the most friends. At the same time, segments of our society tend to view the arts as a luxury, a frill, an extra-curricular activity running a distant second to the popular status of sports. Add to these conditions the natural curiosity of the child, the tendency toward self-exploration, the adolescent impatience to put away the things of the child and emulate adult role models—for better or for worse. Pressure. MCT approaches children with a full awareness of these conditions and strives to use participation in the performing arts as a vehicle to develop the life skills (social skills, communication skills, self-discipline, a strong work ethic, an understanding of the team concept and self-esteem) necessary to answer the challenges of our time.

Although MCT's programs tour to major metropolitan centers, MCT remains dedicated to providing financially accessible arts experiences to all communities, regardless of size or economic status. Many of the communities served by MCT are isolated, culturally deprived and/or economically depressed. Live theatre participation, qualified drama teachers and educationally sound music programs within the curriculum are often non-existent or low on the priority scale. Constructive opportunities in the performing arts are rare, and the chance to spark a new interest often goes unkindled. MCT's programs can and do provide the kindling to ignite the flame of interest.
Within each MCT cast, girls and boys are equal; the disabled become able; the shy experiment with bravery; the slow are rehearsed to perfection; and the gifted become part of the whole. The lesson they learn is that all of them are necessary for the show to go on. Few arenas exist where responsibility is taught and learned so clearly. MCT provides a unique opportunity to learn the lessons of group dynamics while excelling as an individual—a lesson from art that carries into life."

I was so inspired by the thought of teaching the next generation that I knew that the way to change society is through children while their minds are still in development. I have been having a love/hate relationship with theater and how we reach the 99% of people who aren't in these liberal places and so this could not have come in a more amazing time in my development as an artist. 

If you are interested in watching a video about what it is all about click the link below:

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